Author Archives: k
DIY Thermostat upgrade on an infrared heating panel
With the arrival of Winter, it’s been getting cold again. My apartment has this very specific problem that the kitchen is not covered by central heating, so it becomes a very unpleasant place to be during the cold season. Last … Continue reading
ATW Tech Demos Revision 10 released!
I’m pleased to announce that Revision 10 of All These Worlds Tech Demos has just been released. The 10th released version of this project coincides with 10th anniversary of ATW development and is hence titled “A decade in the making”, … Continue reading
ArduinoHttpServer vs WebServer: an ESP-32 benchmark
There’s plenty of web server libraries for the ESP-32, and I am in no position to say which one is the best, since I honestly have no idea. I do know, however, that many tutorials and examples use either ArduinoHttpServer … Continue reading
ATW Tech Demos Revision 9 released!
Adequately titled “Years Late”, the latest release finally puts ATW development back on track. It also marks the beginning of a big “quality pass” that will transform the simple tech demos into full-blown scenarios that are actually fun to play.
ATW going forward
Hi! Long time no see. Let’s hope on to a quick update on the current status of All These Worlds game, and the path forward for the project.
ATC2 – a new game about air traffic control
I made a new game computer game that can be played in a web browser. It’s a real-time strategy game about controlling airplanes. Click here to play. Continue reading
Welcome to KCDN.PL blog
This blog contains development updates for All These Worlds (ATW), a space exploration and combat computer game, and also various articles about electronics.
ATW News 2020-08-18
Progress is slow but steady. A map with RTS-like controls for allied ships is the main new feature. Making sure that various things work well with map (for example the nebula from Exploration Demo) is taking more time than anticipated.
How I broke and fixed a Woodpecker CNC control module
…but then I noticed a stack of smoke coming up from behind the screen. I stood up and looked at the mill. The probe cable was melting before my eyes. I rushed screaming to the power switch… Continue reading
ATW Tech Demos revision 8 is out!
In addition to complete revamp of the sensor system, this release also comes with an experimental Mac OSX build. I literally have no way to test it, so it can be completely broken and I wouldn’t know. Download:All These Worlds … Continue reading